

Historically, allspice was used to preserve meats, generally wild pig called “boucan” during the 17th century peak of pirating along the Spanish Main, leading to them to being labeled as “boucaneers,” today known as “buccaneers.”

The name “Allspice” is indicative of the combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper and clove essence of the berries. With this all encompassing nomenclature, what is allspice pimenta?


Allspice comes from the dried, green berries of Pimenta dioica. This member of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) is found in the Central American countries of Guatemala, Mexico, and Honduras and was presumably brought there by migratory birds.

When removed and cultivated in areas with climates dissimilar to those above, the plant does not usually bear fruit, so can you grow allspice? Yes, but in most areas of North America, or Europe for that matter, allspice herbs will grow but fruiting will not occur.

The Spice


The Plant


The Spice


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